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Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Pemeriksaan Antenatal Care Pada Ibu Hamil Di Kecamatan Suka Makmur Kabupaten Aceh Besar

"K4" is the broad picture (description) of a pregnant women who has received a standardized treatmentfor a pregnant women at least four times (four visitation). The deficient coverage of K4 shows the low (or meager) chance for nothing and treatment of high risk obstetrics. Deficient antenatal visitation prevents the pregnancy risk and complication from early detection. Specific health intervention through the minimum of four antenatal visitation means a big leverage for decreasing the occurrence rate and the seriousness of pregnancy complication. To learn or know the correlation between the education, age, parity (equality). Income and knowledge of the mother about the examination of antenatal care for the pregnant women, and to obtain a description! picture of how thoroughly or evenly the antenatal care examination is performed on the pregnant women. This research is a survey research that is descriptively analytical in nature and that is designed to be cross sectional. The subject of this research is the pregnant women who is undergoing an antenatal care examination big the sample extracting technique through cluster sampling, by picking sampling 96 women at random form several villages. And fact finding technique by using questioner. There is a correlation between education and antenatal care visitations (P= 0.021). and between income and antenatal visitations (P= 0.049), her knowledge and antenatal care examination (P=0.006). There is no correlation between age and antenatal care visitation (P=0.186). and between women's parity and antenatal care examination (P=0.276). The frequency distribution among the respondents who performed antenatal care according to their pregnancy age was 40%. The education. income, and knowledge of the pregnant women are correlated to their antenatal care examination; whereas the age and parity factors have nothing to do with her antenatal care examination.
Syafei Ishak - Personal Name
Fithriany - Personal Name
Nuraini Usman - Personal Name
Vol. 1 No. 2
Kesehatan Ilmiah